Prenz­lau­er Berg

First occupancy! Stylish flat at Monbijoupark - in the centre of Berlin, freshly renovated & furnished!

This fresh­ly reno­va­ted 1.5-room flat with approx. 41 m² of living space is in a prime loca­ti­on right next to Mon­bi­jou­park in Ber­lin-Mit­te. After exten­si­ve refur­bish­ment, it shi­nes in a modern and appe­al­ing design with new, high-qua­li­ty fur­nis­hings for sty­lish living.

Further information

Num­ber of rooms
2 Room(s)
Modern fit­ted kit­chen with new elec­tri­cal appliances
Bright living and slee­ping area with lar­ge windows
New, high-qua­li­ty fur­nis­hings for sty­lish living


The pro­per­ty is loca­ted in one of Berlin's most sought-after loca­ti­ons - right next to Mon­bi­jou­park in the heart of Ber­lin-Mit­te. The park its­elf offers a green oasis in the cent­re of the city and bor­ders the River Spree, crea­ting an idyl­lic atmosphere.

The­re are num­e­rous cul­tu­ral high­lights in the imme­dia­te vici­ni­ty, such as the Muse­um Island with the Per­ga­mon Muse­um, the Bode Muse­um and the Alte Natio­nal­ga­le­rie. The famous Hacke­sche Höfe, with its char­ming cour­ty­ards, bou­ti­ques, cafés and restau­rants, is also within wal­king distance and is a popu­lar desti­na­ti­on for locals and tou­rists alike.

The public trans­port con­nec­tions are excel­lent: The Hacke­scher Markt S-Bahn sta­ti­on and the Ora­ni­en­bur­ger Tor (U6) and Wein­meis­ter­stra­ße (U8) under­ground sta­ti­ons are just a few minu­tes' walk away. The­re are also seve­ral tram and bus lines that pro­vi­de quick con­nec­tions to other parts of the city.

Shop­ping faci­li­ties, restau­rants and bars are in the imme­dia­te vici­ni­ty. The neigh­bour­hood is cha­rac­te­ri­sed by a mix­tu­re of his­to­ri­cal charm and modern city life - ide­al for busi­ness peo­p­le, crea­ti­ve types and all tho­se who want to expe­ri­ence vibrant Ber­lin up close.


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