
Newly renovated flat share at Breitenbachplatz

This is a beau­tiful flat in an old buil­ding with 5 rooms and 2 bath­rooms, which has just been reno­va­ted. All rooms are fur­nis­hed and indi­vi­du­al­ly lockable. The flat is equip­ped with a modern fit­ted kit­chen with elec­tri­cal appli­ances and com­ple­te fur­ni­tu­re from Hülsta.

The living space of the enti­re flat is approx. 135 m².

Further information

Num­ber of rooms
5 Room(s)
Ful­ly furnished
Fit­ted kit­chen incl. inventory
Bath­room with show­er and WC
Bath­room with bath­tub and WC
Fresh­ly refurbished

Room 1 = approx. 18 m² = let
Room 2 = approx. 28 m² = let
Room 3 = approx. 24 m² = let
Room 4 = approx. 20 m² = ren­ted out
Room 5 = approx. 9 m² = 620,00 €

The rent is all-inclu­si­ve and includes not only the basic rent for the room, but also high-qua­li­ty fur­nis­hings with Hüls­ta fur­ni­tu­re, hea­ting and ope­ra­ting cos­ts, elec­tri­ci­ty, GEZ fees and WLAN. This uni­que ser­vice is roun­ded off by a fort­night­ly clea­ning of the com­mu­nal areas.


Sou­thwest of the capi­tal city cent­re, Ste­glitz enjoys a quiet and vil­la­ge-like atmo­sphe­re, apart from the busy shop­ping streets. In recent years, the neigh­bour­hood has attrac­ted more and more young peo­p­le, not only becau­se of the Free Uni­ver­si­ty (FU), which is loca­ted in Dah­lem, part of the lar­ger Ste­glitz-Zehlen­dorf dis­trict. The ope­ning of new cafés and shops, vegan restau­rants and vin­ta­ge clot­hing shops soon fol­lo­wed. The district's archi­tec­tu­re is just as inte­res­t­ing, a mix­tu­re of old and new archi­tec­tu­re, inclu­ding vil­las and art deco apart­ment blocks. The "Bier­pin­sel" tower on Schloß­stra­ße is one of the most unu­su­al buil­dings in the city, and a land­mark that often appears in Ber­lin films and tele­vi­si­on programmes.


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