
WG Poseidon: Freshly renovated shared flat in Neukölln: modern living, time-honoured flair

New shared flat in the lively Lahn­stra­ße 80 in Neukölln!

We offer a beau­tiful and new­ly reno­va­ted flat share with 3 rooms and 1 bath­room. All rooms have been lovin­g­ly fur­nis­hed and are indi­vi­du­al­ly lockable. The flat also has a ful­ly equip­ped fit­ted kitchen.

The living space of the enti­re flat is approx. 86 m².

Further information

Num­ber of rooms
3 Room(s)
Ful­ly furnished
Fit­ted kit­chen incl. inventory
First occu­p­an­cy after refurbishment

Room 1 = approx. 20 m² = 820,00 €

Room 2 = approx. 20 m² = 860,00 € with balcony

Room 3 = approx. 21 m² = let

The rent includes not only the basic rent for the room, but also hea­ting and ope­ra­ting cos­ts, modern fur­ni­tu­re, high-qua­li­ty equip­ment, GEZ fees, elec­tri­ci­ty and WLAN. A regu­lar clea­ning ser­vice in the com­mu­nal are­as rounds off our uni­que service.


Lahn­stra­ße 80 is loca­ted in a lively neigh­bour­hood of Neu­kölln. You will find a varie­ty of shops, restau­rants and cafés in the imme­dia­te vici­ni­ty. The­re are also seve­ral super­mar­kets whe­re you can easi­ly do your shopping.
Public trans­port is also easi­ly acces­si­ble. Neü­kölln under­ground sta­ti­on is just a few minu­tes' walk away and offers quick con­nec­tions to the city cent­re and other parts of Ber­lin. The­re are also seve­ral bus rou­tes that will take you around the city with ease.
Ano­ther advan­ta­ge of the loca­ti­on is its pro­xi­mi­ty to Tem­pel­ho­fer Feld, a huge park that is per­fect for walks, sports acti­vi­ties or sim­ply rela­xing out­doors. Here you can take a break from the hust­le and bust­le of the city and enjoy the fresh air.
In sum­ma­ry, the neigh­bour­hood at Lahn­stra­ße 80 offers a good infra­struc­tu­re with many shop­ping faci­li­ties, restau­rants and public trans­port. The pro­xi­mi­ty to Tem­pel­ho­fer Feld also pro­vi­des a balan­ce to the hust­le and bust­le of city life.


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