
Furnished old building 4-bed flat share in the trendy Neukölln district

This is a gre­at flat share with 4 rooms and 2 bath­rooms, which has been fresh­ly reno­va­ted. All rooms have been lovin­g­ly fur­nis­hed and are indi­vi­du­al­ly lockable. The flat has a ful­ly equip­ped fit­ted kit­chen with inte­gra­ted dining area.

The living space of the enti­re flat is approx. 103 squa­re metres.

Further information

Num­ber of rooms
4 Room(s)
Ful­ly furnished
Fit­ted kit­chen incl. inventory
2 bath­rooms with shower/bathtub

Room 1 = approx. 20 m² in size = let
Room 2 = approx. 21 m² in size = € 790.00
Room 3 = approx. 17 m² in size = let
Room 4 = approx. 12 m² in size = let

The rent is all-inclu­si­ve and includes not only the basic rent for the room, but also high-qua­li­ty fur­nis­hings with Hüls­ta fur­ni­tu­re, hea­ting and ope­ra­ting cos­ts, elec­tri­ci­ty, GEZ fees and WLAN. This uni­que ser­vice is roun­ded off by a fort­night­ly clea­ning of the com­mu­nal areas.


Neu­kölln is one of Berlin's most popu­lar and exci­ting dis­tricts, with its mul­ti­cul­tu­ral kit­chens, shi­sha cafés, live music cen­tres and num­e­rous spaces for art and crea­ti­vi­ty. Many things here are insi­der tips or even just tem­po­ra­ry: num­e­rous pop-up events take place in Neu­kölln. Like other for­mer West Ber­lin sub­urbs, Neu­kölln con­ti­nues to see a ste­ady influx of peo­p­le from all over the world - which is also reflec­ted in the various restau­rants, super­mar­kets and second-hand shops. Along Son­nen­al­lee, for exam­p­le, whe­re Ara­bic and Tur­ki­sh shops and restau­rants line up side by side. Here you can find the best kebabs, shawarma, fal­a­fel, hum­mus and other stap­le foods from the Midd­le East.


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