
Lifestyle flat share at Rathaus Schöneberg

This is a very sty­lish and ful­ly fur­nis­hed shared flat with 10 beau­tiful rooms that can be locked indi­vi­du­al­ly. All rooms are fur­nis­hed with high-qua­li­ty Hüls­ta fur­ni­tu­re, have their own bath­room and a walk-in ward­ro­be. The flat has a fit­ted kit­chen equip­ped with elec­tri­cal appli­ances, an inte­gra­ted coun­ter and ever­y­day uten­sils. The kit­chen is roun­ded off by a spa­cious dining area with para­di­sia­cal pho­to wallpaper.

The living space of the enti­re flat totals approx. 278 m².

Further information

Num­ber of rooms
10 Room(s)
Ful­ly furnished
Fit­ted kit­chen incl. inventory
Each room has its own bathroom

Each room has its own bath­room & walk-in wardrobe!

Room 1 = approx. 18 squa­re met­res = ren­ted out
Room 2 = approx. 21 squa­re met­res = ren­ted out
Room 3 = approx. 21 squa­re met­res = € 890.00
Room 4 = approx. 21 squa­re met­res = ren­ted out
Room 5 = approx. 22 squa­re met­res = ren­ted out
Room 6 = approx. 21 squa­re met­res = ren­ted out
Room 7 = approx. 21 squa­re met­res = ren­ted out
Room 8 = approx. 21 squa­re met­res = ren­ted out
Room 9 = approx. 21 squa­re met­res = ren­ted out
Room 10 = approx. 20 squa­re met­res = ren­ted out

The rent is all-inclu­si­ve and includes not only the basic rent for the room, but also high-qua­li­ty fur­nis­hings, hea­ting and ope­ra­ting cos­ts, elec­tri­ci­ty, GEZ fees and WLAN. Clea­ning of the com­mu­nal are­as rounds off this uni­que service.


Schö­ne­berg is loca­ted half­way bet­ween the par­ty neigh­bour­hoods in the east and the more ele­gant, quie­ter sub­urbs in the west of Ber­lin. With gre­at bars and restau­rants, beau­tiful resi­den­ti­al streets and mar­kets, Schö­ne­berg is a mix­tu­re of romance and fun. Sin­ce the 1920s, the area around Nol­len­dor­fer Platz has been a cent­re of night­li­fe for homo­se­xu­als in Ber­lin. The annu­al Pri­de para­de, Chris­to­pher Street Day (CSD), is one of the lar­gest street fes­ti­vals in Europe.

Schö­ne­berg is cen­tral­ly loca­ted bet­ween Kreuz­berg and Char­lot­ten­burg. The U1, U2 and U7 offer good con­nec­tions to Neu­kölln, Kreuz­berg, Mit­te and Prenz­lau­er Berg as well as to the west. The­re are also S-Bahn opti­ons via the Ring Bahn and the S1. Cyclists also have many good rou­tes to Mit­te and other neighbourhoods.


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