
Furnished 1-room flat with balcony in a top location in Görli

It is a fresh­ly refur­bis­hed, fur­nis­hed 1-room flat and is ide­al for your start in Berlin.

This flat offers you:

- Kit­chenet­te with fit­ted kit­chen incl. elec­tri­cal appli­ances (cera­mic hob, extra­c­tor bon­net, ref­ri­ge­ra­tor, washing machine)
- Inven­to­ry of dai­ly use
- Bath­room with bathtub

The rent is all-inclu­si­ve and includes not only the basic rent, but also high-qua­li­ty fur­nis­hings, hea­ting and ope­ra­ting cos­ts, elec­tri­ci­ty, GEZ fees and WLAN.

Further information

Num­ber of rooms
1 Room(s)
Fit­ted kit­chen incl. inventory


South of the city cent­re, Kreuz­berg - also known as X-berg - offers a mix­tu­re of green, quiet resi­den­ti­al streets and fashionable shops and restau­rants with bars that stay open late into the night. For good reason, this neigh­bour­hood has long been one of the most popu­lar in the city. Its graf­fi­tied walls and street art murals high on the sides of buil­dings attract tou­rists who want a glim­pse of alter­na­ti­ve Berlin.

Once a working-class neigh­bour­hood known for its afforda­ble housing with a high pro­por­ti­on of immi­grants, Kreuz­berg has under­go­ne a mas­si­ve trans­for­ma­ti­on in recent years. In the 1990s and 2000s, the dis­trict hel­ped to put Ber­lin on the world map as a cent­re for crea­ti­vi­ty, art and nightlife.

To this day, the dis­trict reta­ins many of its charms - from the impo­sing indus­tri­al buil­dings and many fruit and street mar­kets to more recent arri­vals for crea­ti­ve pro­fes­sio­nals and expats who now call Kreuz­berg home. In Kreuzberg's bust­ling streets, espe­ci­al­ly in the Berg­mann­kiez neigh­bour­hood and bet­ween Her­mann­platz and May­bach­ufer, you'll find small fami­ly shops as well as popu­lar cafés and boutiques.


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